March 2020

March 2020

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thank You Veterans!

Even though we don't really understand the madness of our military, we can still say thank you! If you have gone through your child's papers for the week, you may have found our very patriotic turkeys. We made these to help us remember Veteran's Day. The turkey means thanks and the colors symbolize our country's freedoms. It is such a blessing that our children live in a safe and peaceful world and that they don't have to know what this all really means. They just know that all "army men" are great and super cool. My nephew and Mrs. Laurie's son are proud to serve in the military and this post is specifically designed to thank all of those who work to keep us safe. We have been spending this week talking about the first thanksgiving and our Native American brothers and sisters made this nation great before we even arrived. Keeping us safe and free is far out of reach of these little one's minds - but to say thanks we offer this salute. If your children also salute anyone in military attire, this is our small way of saying thanks and we love you.

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