March 2020

March 2020

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Let's Be Green This Year

Every year that I teach, I watch the amount of trash that we create increase. We spend a lot of time talking about how precious God's creation is and this includes our beautiful planet Earth. I would like to pose the option of using re-usable plastic cups in our classroom for snack time. This would save about 64 "Dixie cups" per week. It sounds like a lot of work, but since we have water every day, clean up will be fairly easy. Me or Mrs. Laurie could quickly wash our cups at the end of each day in antibacterial dish washing detergent and use them for a month at a time. At the end of the month, the children could bring their cups home and you could dispose of them as you wish. It could even be re-purposed one more time as a pencil cup, "Lego" or "Barbie" accessory holder or whatever else your family could dream up. Please let me know if you are interested in this idea. Send me an email or attach a note to your child's school bag. I will not pursue this idea if I do not have a majority of support from our parents.

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