But by the grace of God I am what I am...1 Corinthians 15: 10
March 2020
Thursday, February 26, 2009
We Love Dental Health
Although this was our unit on health and fitness - it was upstaged by dental health. We had lots of fun learning about heart health and fitness - but really loved talking about our beautiful teeth. We had a visit from a dentist and learned how to best care for our teeth. We also talked about the tooth fairy and what happens to all of those teeth that are lost. These works of art are posted outside of classroom and will become a class book for all to see. We also made our very own tooth fairy pockets to prepare the very "first lost tooth." The boys and girls are so excited about this big event - some of us even felt loose teeth today. They did their own decorating and lacing. Many in our class said they were going to practice sleeping with their pockets under their pillow, just to make sure they could sleep. We also read a very funny book about a "sweet tooth." Ask your child to tell you about this cute story.
I am a mom that loves her boys. I have a wonderful husband and a "crazy busy" life. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to be teaching at Pilgrim
Community Preschool. It is such a gift to share God's love with each of my students.
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