March 2020

March 2020

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

"We Gather Together"

"We gather together, to ask the Lord's blessings..."the words from this old hymn came to mind as we prepared for our class feast. The children looked the part as we gathered with the other four year old classes for our Thanksgiving feast. Our feast consisted of turkey, mashed potatoes, red hot applesauce, corn muffins, homemade butter & pilgrim hat cookies. Some children were surprised at the taste of our "red applesauce." It is so yummy.

It is so hard for our children to comprehend what it means to be thankful, however, they all thank God for their families and friends. So many of us were excited about the upcoming holiday and visiting with family from far away. Many blessings to all of you this Thanksgiving holiday.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

"Gg" is also for Giving

Thank you to all of our four year old classes. We collected 215.5 pounds of food for the Lexington Interfaith Community Services Thanksgiving meal project. These donations will help families in need by providing them with a full Thanksgiving meal. "Gg" was our letter of the week and we learned that it means "give" and "grateful." These are big concepts for our boys and girls, but they were cheerful givers for God and those in need this holiday season.

Christmas Art for our Soldiers

One of our class projects this year is to send seasonal art to soldiers in Afghanistan. I couldn't post the Jack O'Lanterns from October, but here is our Christmas Tree. We collected gum and mints to send with our art project and pray that this small token will brighten a soldier's day.

Getting Ready for The Feast

We have been preparing for our four year old class feast next week. We learned about the Pilgrims and Native Americans and will dress appropriately for our class Thanksgiving meal. Here is one our Native American students. He is wearing a Native American vest, wampum bag, headdress and necklace.

Our Fall Program

We had a great fall performance. The children were dressed and ready to share their singing voices with all our parents. We sang "Gobble, Gobble"; "My County 'Tis of Thee" and "Tak for Maden." It was fun, but some of us said that all of the attention made us feel embarrassed. Thank you parents and children for this wonderful fall season.

Show & Tell for Grandparents

This was our week to study the letter Gg. Part of this unit was our "Grandparent's Wall of Fame." We invited grandparents to our class and each child introduced them when they arrived. Here are some of our grandparents that we love so much. Many thanks to these special folks who took the time to visit our classroom. For those of us who weren't able to arrange a visit, we posted pictures of our special grandparents.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Grandparents are Great!!!

Next week we will be learning about the letter G. Part of our letter study will be the addition of a "Grandparents Wall of Fame"to our room. I will be sending a note home in our newsletter requesting pictures or visits from grandparents. Since you already met Nana, here is picture of "Grand Suka." We have been very blessed to have grandparents visit from far away states. It is so special for the children in our class to meet family members from all over the United States.

What is this thing?

This week we continue to learn about Native Americans and Pilgrims. We are so thankful for their friendship. It is still very hard for us to understand that the Pilgrims came to America without a house to move into or grocery stores to buy food. At the beginning of the week we found a teepee in our room. It is a great learning tool for the boys and girls to play in. Some of us have asked how the Native Americans kept warm during the Winter in a home made out of sticks and animal skins. (This really makes them appreciate our warm homes.) This unit is also teaching us about symbols and the importance of our land. We are working on our own Native American names and read a great book about a little boy named Blue Sky. We also made a cool cornucopia snack and talked about what this funny word means. (Attention parents, Bugles are a huge hit in our room. Do not be surprised if your children ask for them.)

We added Lincoln Logs to our "Puzzles Center" and have had lots of fun building different things. The Pilgrims in our class our smart architects, but just can't figure out how long it would have taken to actually cut down enough trees to build a "real house."
This Thanksgiving season is so much fun to experience with your children. We are planning for our "Four Year Old Class Feast" before our holiday break. It is very rewarding to see how much the children are growing and learning.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Boys Can Be Cheerleaders Too!

This picture was too priceless not to share. These guys had a great time after school playing in our home living center. Look at their cheerful faces. I can see God's light shining right through their smiles.

We Love Our "Nanas"

Following our theme of thankfulness for our family, two of our students proudly introduced their grandmothers to our class. We were so happy to meet Grand Suka and Nana. (This is nana. I am working on getting picture of Grand Suka - my camera was not working during her visit.) We are very fortunate to have lots of grandparents in and around our school. It is a special event, however, when they travel a great distance to visit.

We Are Thankful

Everyone knows that October has gone away and November is new. We are learning all about the Pilgrim's journey to the new world and how brave they were. We made a class "Quilt of Thankfulness." It was a two part process of decorating a traditional quilt square (for the letter Qq) and drawing something that we feel thankful about. Most of us are thankful for our family.
We also made a new door decoration. There were many pilgrims this year. Stop by our classroom to see your child's work. They have done a beautiful job. Don't forget our School Art Show and Program on 11/20/08 at 6:00 PM. There will be more of your child's work to see.

Thank YouTo Our Community Helper

Thank you to our community helper this week who took time to speak to our class about being in the military. Of course to all of our children, he is the "army man." The children loved meeting him and asking questions, totally not related to his job as an air national guardsman . Thank you so much for taking the time to visit with us and share your role as a community helper.