March 2020

March 2020

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

It is all about apples!

This is the week to celebrate the arrival of Fall, apples & Johnny Appleseed. We will also be learning about the letter T. We continue to grow and learn and have so much fun. You can see our delicious apple graph. We had lots of tasty fun trying the red, green and yellow apples. Even our friends who don't like apples participated.

We also made "Mr. Apple" and did all of the work - cutting and gluing. Some have long legs, short legs or some have none. Stop by our classroom to see our work. Mr. Apple is just hanging around outside of our door.
We also continue to try new things. Who knew that girls could like playing with "Legos?" (They really aren't just for boys.)

Our Bible verse this week is from 1 Timothy 4:4 - For everything created by God is good. We know this is true and see this everywhere. Our yummy apples, the beautiful change of seasons and friends in our class. What a wonderful week!

1 comment:

Ms.. Wanda said...

Just stopping by to say "hello". I like your apple people! I'm glad you are all learning new things, making new friends, and having fun!

Happy Fall!
Ms. Wanda